Re: ideology stuff

When Malgosia mentions that people make and participate in ideology it
made me think of the term hegemony.

"A hegemonic culture subtly and effectively encourages people to identify
themselves with the habits, sensibilities, and worldviews supportive of
the status quo and the class interests that dominate it. It is a culture
successful in persuading people to "consent" to their oppression and
exploitation. A hegemonic culture survives and thrives as long as it
convinces people to adopt its preferred formative moldality, its favored
socialization process. It begins to crumble when people start to opt for
a transformative modality, a socialization process that opposes the
dominant one. The latter constitutes a counter-hegemonic culture, the
deeply embedded oppositional elements within a society. It is these
elements the hegmonic culture seeks to contain and control."(p.119)

---Cornel West, _Prophesy Deliverance_,1982

The Italian Marxist theorist Antonio Gramci did a lot of work on hegemony
which was influential upon Toni Negri who was a friend of G's. I
definitely read D&G as anti-hegemony (Oedipus is an example of a
preferred formative modality or socialization process)

Dept of Phil&Relgion
Calif. Inst of Integral Studies


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