Re: Re[2]: ideology

On Tue, 11 Oct 1994, Karen Ocana wrote:

> This strikes me as right on, with the additional factor, re:
> common sense, that i just encountered reading _AO_, that, whereas
> common sense is denigrated as universalizing and antiproductive
> (in favour of direct ucs desiring investments), d*g also say
> that since one can't really get around common sense (the practical),
> what desire does when it speaks forcefully is schizophrenize or
> delireate (vb for delirium?), produce flows, deliriums, from
> below the threshold of everybody knows, say things that nobody-
> anybody knows, making the commonsensual rave, whisper, vibrate.

Which is one fo the reasons for those elements in d*g that--to speak
naively perhaps--are imaginative, visionary, magical. Not for any truths,
but that these are remarkalbe forces/state/sbecomings that work by
tugging apart, mutating and even multiplying to some hallucinogenic
extreme the fabric of the commonsensual. When I see the moonlight as the
cold stroke of wolves' paw across my cheek, my sense is sensual, but not
common. This zone is not pre-given, mystical, but constructed through the
dissolution of the already striated common sense--the commonality of my
senses with the abstract sense of society.



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