There's a lot of bad netiquette out there. I have gotten into the habit of
getting on the case of the sysops. I send a letter to
[email protected] and tell them--in a nice way--to clue
in their users. I think (or hope, at least) that this will have some
positive impact on netiquette somewhere down the line.

I am sure that most of this is done in ignorance and stupidity, not malice,
so I try to do the best I can to *help* rather than harrass.



>I am amazed at the level of idle chit-chat that goes on here. Shouldn't
>people use this LIST as a place to exchange, discuss, and critizize
>concepts relavent to DESIGN? It seems that this is the forum for such
>activities, not for personal questions being queried between individuals.
>These queries are sent to the list of roughly 325 people who have to delete
>the mail messages their boxes and probably don't want to view them anyway.
>Peoples individual addresses are given at the top of the messages; ie
> IN%"JOESHMO@xxxxxxxxxxxx" Messages between
>people should be communicated that way.

Joe Alvarez - Applied Computer Solutions // jalvarez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >< Finger for PGP public key
Partial thread listing: