Re: FLW Imperial Hotel

I hadn't considered the long lag time, but I think that can be overcome with
some control strategies. In larger systems, the HWS temp. is tied to OAT; maybe
that can be adapted for smaller-scale use.

I also agree that if heating is only needed for a short period, radiant floors
aren't the best. This would seem to dictate that they be used in the northern
latitudes where there are significantly long periods of cold (oh, like say
a week or two of -25 F? :) ). Well, it doesn't have to be THAT cold!

It's getting to the point that we're going to be picking nits pretty soon---
our affordable house program here in Muncie is getting down to $200/heating
season with construction just meeting the Indiana Energy Code, which is
anything but cutting-edge. We're using 85% GFA furnaces and some careful
construction detailing only---we're beginning to look radiant floors and
combined domestic and heating HW systems, but I think that in small houses,
diminishing returns is going to kick in before we go much farther.

Jonathan, I think a POE will reveal that the grownups in your daycare center
will like the radiant floor just as much as the kids. I'm also happy to hear
that it was cost-competitive w/ forced air systems. Natural cooling and
ventilating strategies might help hold the costs down further, if they can
be easily incorporated.

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