Prince of Harrod's Inner Cities

Wash Post snippet today:

"Robert Higdon is switching Brits. The former executive director
of the Washington-based Margaret Thatcher Foundation has
left to run the new U.S. branch of the Prince of Wales Foundation
here. The organization, created in Britain three years ago by
Prince Charles, who's quite the architecture buff, is dedicated to
reviving run-down inner cities."

It would be wondrous if Charles divorced the neo-trad enclavists
and took on wider and far more difficult public responsibilities. But
hiring a professional iron-fisted Thatcherite to run his colonial op is
just adding another head-bustng cop to suppress inner city anger
and anguish -- like the cowardly Kunstler/New Untervolkers mallishly

Recalling earlier NU PR, has PoW upscale-bribed HUD to promo
Neo Nubianism? Does the Foundation really intend to revive inner
cities or just stuff them, like Fayed's Harrod's, in Ralph Lauren

Is there paper or a Web site that ads this Celebration de Les Miserable?
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