VRML and commerce on the Internet

Current Feature at the VRML Cafe: VRML and Commerce on the Internet

Hello all,

Did you see the lunar eclipse last night?

Silicon Graphics Inc. Launched a new section on their site vrml.sgi.com
called Cafe VRML. It is meant to be a non-partisan resource for the VRML
community at large. It has links to VRML related tools, products,
companies, events, resources, JOBS, OPPORTUNITES, the VRML spec, experts,
newsgroups mailing lists and much more. If you are offering any of the
above catagories, you can register for a link TO YOUR SITE at

The Cafe also runs an editorial section on news and information about the
future of VRML. The current Feature is about VRML AND COMMERCE ON THE WEB.
The business
world is pricking its ears to the tune of 3D VRML may offer another
communication tool to conduct the age old interaction of commerce, online,
with a much more intuitve interface than the traditional 2D Web page. Shel
Kimen talks with corporate identity company, Siegel and Gale, as well as
First Virtual and Electric Communities about the future of commerce and
VRML on the Web.

check out Cafe VRML at http://vrml.sgi.com
and the cafe at http://vrml.sgi.com/cafe

Try to catch the comet.

Sandra Cannon
Cybernautics, Inc.
Account Executive
cannon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.cybernautics.com
415 289 5030
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