Re: About a new arch-i-zine: was it necessary?

Eric Massip wrote:

>Try, visit and compare WAM with a newcomer,
>if you find anything better we'll give you back your purchase money.

I had a look at Totem, and found most of interest the list of digital
design sites to anchor the mag's own flyaway bazaar tent.

The interest lay in the choice of which URLs to list and their
categories and the titles of the categories, that is to say, the
editorial and promotional design, that is to say, the camouflage
design of Totem's recycling "news" and opinions and trends and
fleeting fashion as clues to its weight and wisdom.

For example, I wonder if it's true that virtual reality games-playing
is the past-as-future of editorial and promotional and career design,
that is to say, the future of Web and meat ware , that is to say, the
future of Information Warefare job prospects, and the strategy and
tactics for recruiting and training DeLandan infowarefighters and
targeting meatworld infoglut consumer-victims?

What say, WAM (us), are you (we), too, recruiting and seducing
job-aimless Deerkillers, promising easy shot virtual reality hits,
aiming to train them (us) to hype digital design for crosshairing
the grazing consumer, all the while strategizing to outwit the
ad-buyers (clients) with inflated hits and subs (awards) lies?

Like many of the sites linked by Totem (and SGI, Cybernautics,
Departments of Defense and us)?

That is to say, how do you (we) differ from, are better than, Totem
and its sleazy Dual-Uses, vis a vis career-promotional design
shenanigans? Once that's clarified I'll know whether to ask for a
refund of faith and hope in your (our) webware venture or to continue
firing gift (Trojan) skeets on the screen.

Oh, try the ultra-De Landan infoware-truly-VRML-URL-Doom-list at:

That's the US's Militarily Critical Technologies List which drives
the global market for all killer designs for glory and gory games
and e-zines.
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