Virtual Education Now and Future

We acknowledge a debt for the following to, among others,
John Dewey, Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre, Noam
Chomsky, Richard Rorty and Manuel de Landa for sustaining
a critique of militarism in all its alluringly corruptive
civilian/education guises.

For those interested in the comprehensive conversion of
the global national/education security culture into the
economic/education security culture, and its impact on the
future of education, careers, culture and the environment,
we suggest study of US policy as minutely described in the
Export Administration Regulations and related documents
that undergird this key formulation of global
information/education/technology competition and warfare.

Beyond this formidable source, and in continuation of
Urban Deadline's research commenced in 1968 on the long
history of military, civilian and educational works
promises, subterfuges and betrayals, we are building an
archive of current and historical military/civilian/
education conversion (so-called "dual-use" technologies)
documents at:

One example, is the "Militarily Critical Technologies List
(MCTL)" which describes the full range of technologies
controlled by the International Traffic in Arms
Regulations, the Export Administration Regulations and
various technologies and armaments control regimes like
the Wassenaar Arrangment. Information systems and
cryptography are covered in Section 8 of the MCTL which
we've put with the TOC at:

It provides an informative chart that compares information
systems capabilities for 27 nations, and the leaders in a
few cases are surprising.

Section 8 offers this about the military/cvilian dual-use
prospects for VRML:


Overview: Human systems interface, as covered in this
subsection, encompasses all ways in which human
operators interact with information systems. While the
primary interfaces at present are visual output and
manual input, the broader technology area also includes
other forms of sensory inputs including auditory (voice
and other audible indicators and warning), tactile, and
haptic devices for both input and output.

Human interface technology is being driven by a variety
of requirements, ranging from those of the
entertainment industry to the need to grasp and
manipulate extremely large data sets in scientific
research. For two-way communication, the state of the
art remains mechanical (keyboard, joystick, etc.),
which provides an input that is inherently unambiguous.
Hands-off input devices (including eye-tracking, voice
input) are being pursued as a way of dealing with
increased workload, without increasing operator stress.
Ultimately, the *goal is to achieve total immersion of
the operator in a virtual reality with which he or she
interacts in a manner that is perceived as normal.*

Rationale: Significant advances in human system
interfaces are required for circuit and projected
military operations in the high-threat, information-
rich battlefield of the future. In combat operations,
two-way human interfaces facilitate an operator's
ability to handle large quantities of information in
real time to improve situational awareness and
decision-making capability in periods of high stress.
In weapons systems, they will also improve reaction
time and control in tactical vehicles, particularly in
attack helicopters and combat aircraft. While the
notion of unmanned drones for reconnaissance and
targeting has been largely accepted by operational
forces, higher fidelity, robust human interfaces will
be a key enabling technology for deployment and use of
unmanned engagement systems. Human system interfaces
are also key to the kind of virtual prototyping of
systems and production processes essential to
maintaining industrial-base preparedness and

Foreign Technology Assessment: Because of its
widespread potential for entertainment mass markets,
several countries have been active in pursuing human
system interface technology. Canada is one of the world
leaders in visually coupled, virtual reality
helmet-head-mounted displays. Japan, the UK, and Israel
are also active in this area. Japan's primary emphasis
has been on applying the technology to designing,
manufacturing and controlling complex systems and
enterprises (for example very large, distributed
electrical power systems). In the last year, virtual
reality has developed as an area of worldwide research,
with strong capabilities also emerging in France and
Germany. Israel is reported to have significant
capabilities in military helmet-mounted display and
also has wartime operational experience with unmanned
drones that might apply to human interfaces for
Partial thread listing: