kampf of the month

"Everything we admire on this earth today-science and art, technology and
inventions-is only the creative product of a few peoples and originally
perhaps of one race. On them depends the existence of this whole culture. If
they perish, the beauty of this earth will sink into the grave with them."

Adolf Hitler, quoted in _Mein Kampf_
Volume One - A Reckoning
Chapter XI: Nation and Race


At 11:03 AM 12/31/97 -0500, m. kaplan wrote:
>"In a free-wheeling capitalist society you need controls - you can't have
>community without them. It's right there in Tocqueville: in the absence of
>an aristocratic hierarchy, you need firm rules to maintain decorum. I'm
>convinced these controls are absolutely liberating to people. It makes
>them feel their investment is safe. Regimentation can release you."
>Robert A. M. Stern, quoted in "Town Building Is No Mickey Mouse
>Operation," by Michael Pollan, from The New York Times Magazine, December
>14, 1997. (c) The New York Times

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