Re: test (poem?) by whomevers

>[architecture as interface comes with the architecture of schizophrenic
>[buildings constantly move, doors can be windows, windows can be doors,
>stairs to Pilate are climbed annually on knees, walls may soon all talk,
>floors will mostly remain flat, ceilings with sprinklers are virtual skys
>that harbor emergency rain, roofs probably more than anything manifest
>architecture's shape, lights, camera, Africa, machines to create
>architecture with, furniture and painting as one, utilities that never fail
>(sic), plants, of course, grass gets high, sidewalk, siderun, sidecrawl,
>sidesit, sideroll-over, driveway complete with Jeep, garage sale as
>and through the fanlight
>flies the fanmail
>like a pigeon
>with a fantail

what is first, [DUALITY in EXTREME]

what are first principles of architecture..? [the outside has to be
different than the inside]

does architecture have any first (universal) principles.. [refrain]

what kind of architecture does.. [the great pyramid is an, if not the, prime
example...there's not all that much architecture that is older except
perhaps the ever evaporating igloo]

[reading The Theory of Architecture by Paul-Alan Johnson] -- isn't Johnson
more the editor? isn't his Theory of Architecture a "loose" albeit carefully
thematic anthology? please relay any meaningful distinctions

(his theory is that theory does not lead architectural practice,
but that "Design-Talk" is the ultimate role of theory in relation
to practice. that is, a critical discourse as theory-practice..) -- and
please be specific here, i.e., provide some quotation(s)

does architecture value the pragmatics of theory/research in
terms of Design-Talk? [i think architecture would definitely value
Design-Talk, especially if the Design-Talk is well designed]

if I value the pragmatics of theory/design in terms of Design-Talk does that
make me architecture?
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