Re: test (poem?) by whomevers

>>what are first principles of architecture..? [the outside has to be
>>different than the inside]
> (is there still an outside-inside?)

SPACE...that is what its all about. the creation (or maybe just the
simple recognition) or space. a courtyard is space, it is
architecture. yet a courtyard need not have walls, only a defined
space. a simple row of flowers would suffice. or, in its simplest
form, only four flowers, one at each corner.
>>does architecture have any first (universal) principles.. [refrain]
> (economy-efficiency-delight to...)

what is this economy you speak of? economy for WHOM? who is
architecture for?
efficiency...could you be referencing the 'streamlined' buildings of
the recent past? efficiency of what? power, human energy, a users

is there ever a time in architecture when one can be simultaneously inside
and outside a SPACE?
is there ever a time in architecture when one can be simultaneously neither
inside or outside a SPACE?
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