Re: test (poem?) by whomevers

>brian, it's simple. you are interested in "seeing" and recognizing the
>invisiblity and (modern) transparancy of our architecture/environment today.
>all your points are poignant and all worth further consideration. my point,
>however, deals specifically with architecture's first principles, i.e.,
>duality in extreme and its unrelenting distinction between inside and
>outside. i cite the great pyramid as a prime example of architecture as
>duality in extreme, and you (correctly) cite the international space station
>as also an example of extreme architecture. just be sure that you likewise
>acknowledge that the international space station is also an example of
>architecture's unrelenting distinction between inside and outside (and in
>that sense, even a space suit is exteme architecture). sl

i'm thinking about it Steve. my thought is to connect the two strands.
the "inside-outside paradox" post, with the space station as example.

i think the (line of) differentiation between inside and outside is
paradigmatically different in the space station example, than from
the pyramid example (unless brought into a metaphysical level about
the beliefs in an afterlife, which i am not including right now)..

like a person, sitting on a chair in a room, with no windows, and
looking at a photograph of the outside of their house... there is
something similar happening when, say, this fictional stereotypical
person is sitting watching CNN with a live-broadcast from the US
Space Shuttle with video of the Earth, at however many miles of
radius away from our planet.

like a gradient, moving from one color to another, making a
transition or phase change, i imagine that the concept of "inside"
and "outside" is on a similar (line of) change of state. where
does inside begin and outside end... it is a matter of perception.

it may be my (lack of) perceptual understanding of this situation,
but for me it is a confusion... that is, maybe there is an anthro-
pomorphic, human-centric idea of *inside-outside* that, say, another
species in the universe would differ with. or, that my difficulty
may center around the role of technology in relation to the word-
concept inside-outside...

it seems to me that there is a paradox, maybe a similar mystery
to the Pharoahs, their afterlife existing inside the pyramid or
elsewhere, a transformation, but off limits to material discovery...

i understand the idea of the space suit, as an extreme of inside-
outside architecture - and, have often marveled at the Moon landing
aesthetic, and drawings of 'moon colony architecture', as that of
fictional mars colonies - but, for me the question is, not so much
with the body in the relation between inside and outside -- but
the mind.. if and how an individual perceives in and out today,
as opposed to 1oo or 1,ooo or 1o,ooo years ago.

maybe there really is not much difference as i thought exists
between the space shuttle/space station and the Great Pyramid.
both examples, Lewis Mumford would say, have similar power over
the masses of people and their minds to perform the seemingly
impossible, in the name of... (destiny?)


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