big mistake

patachon wrote:

> Aren't islam nurtured extremists acts the result or the product of the same
> mistake the western world did with marxism-leninism

Absolutely. But the 'demise' of communism came under the regime of
George Sr. and somehow George Jr. can't forget that: the 'cold war' has
conveniently been transformed into the 'war on terrorism'. Remember, the
communists were considered infidels who tried to close the churches.

Speaking of mistakes, has anyone read James Kunstler's latest book, "The
City in Mind"? Here's one reader's review (not mine) from

His tongue-in-cheek humour did bring a chuckle or two, although I am
sure if one lived in one of
these cities, they might not find some of his off-the-cuff comments
quite so amusing. My suggestion
is take it all with a grain of salt. However, there was one comment
about London's Hampstead Heath
(according to the author, a section known for its gay lifestyle) that
really seemed inappropriate. He refers to this area as "this somewhat
sordid destination." I am not a member of the gay community; however, a
few of my closest and dearest friends and co-workers are, and it is
obvious that his referral to this lifestyle as "sordid" is a an
indication of the author's ignorance and understanding of alternate
lifestyles. Whatever one's sexual orientation is no one else's business
and who gave us mortals the power to judge another's lifestyle? Aside
from this absurd and feeble-minded comment, the book was rather
humourous in its own way. The key is to overlook the author's sometimes
indignant and self-righteous comments.

Michael Kaplan
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