pieces of Kabul on your coffee table?

Rather than returning to the growing and exporting of opium, perhaps
Afghanistan should begin globally marketing the millions of pieces of
building debris that presently litter its cities and remote terrorist
training sites. Of course, cave rocks would be the most expensive, er, I
mean sought after. But, if rubble rocks are not appealing to worldwide
consumers, maybe there are piles of pieces of Taliban destroyed Buddhist
artworks throughout Afghanistan which could be tapped for sale in the global

And, (in metabolic dreams only?) perhaps a whole new flowering of Chinese
Art and Indian Art will arise with the forthcoming use of WTC steel as

Last night I watched the movie AFTER HOURS, and I think I recognized the
couch in the Soho artist's loft. In fact, I'm pretty sure I sat in that very
couch a number of times. Ron, wasn't that the couch that Jim D. gave you?
[Jim D. and I sat next to each other in fourth grade at St. Ambrose Catholic
School (c.1966). We used to draw 'Batcaves' to entertain each other. Those
long nonexistant drawings were probably the first building sections I ever
drew. Anyone interested in buying some 'Batcave' drawing reenactments?
Available exclusively@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx this summer(?)]
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