Re: pieces of WTC on your museum mall?

Don't miss "Artifacts of Anguish" in the New York Times today.
The sacred architectural salvage project is headed by a NY architect,
Bartholomew Voorsanger (yes, that's his most enviously
multicultural transatlantic real name-name).

Artifact collection was begun quietly a day or two after the
attack, with selections made by high taste, sentimentality,
the uncanny, rescue worker suggestions, then as word of
the secret project spread, in response to requests by
historians, celebrities, wizened European disaster curators,
friends of friends, and very well connected agents and
publicity hounds and profoundly grieving aesthetes eager
to be among the goodhearts ever whispering about what
nobody really knows until too late.

Nobody here can possibly plumb the depths of WTC
maudlin depravity designed to the maximum for over the
edge offensiveness, cutting edge art if you prefer.

The World Economic Forum attendees (suited and masked)
cannot wait to miss out on the very best New York has to offer
beyond reach of the most powerful and powerless people in
creation bonding as if twins. However, trinkets are readily
available at the most exclusive and inclusive salons and galleries,
hybrids of the two if you prefer: "the streets of New York."

By the way, if you want to read an amazing foretelling of the WTC
attack, read E.B. White on the United Nations in 1948 when it was
seen as the paragon of aircraft-attackable architecture:
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