Re: map

>You may think this is about the US Government but not so, nor
>is it about capitalism. This is about niche-obsessed, crippling education.

Niche-obsessed, crippling education explains why the monolith of governments
work at the individual's level the way they do. Goes a long way in
explaining the religion of Reason and the church of Bureaucrazy too.
Specialization is insulting to human dignity; as if we all can't pat our
heads and rub our stomachs at the same time.

Blame it all on Ignatius Loyola and the Jesuits whose founding document
states "Whomever wishes to be a Jesuit must absorb absolutely this thought;
that he is a member of a Society.....Its ends are to be accomplished by
reasoning with the public and by teaching." The message being clear that
first you must belong to an organization, one which possesses a method.
Entry is limited by the method. Its members therefore a trained elite. Its
power rests upon precision, research, and movement. The elite uses its
method to educate the public and through this education to sell a particular
point of view. Its success will be measured. The word progress used from
then to now as a synonym for measurement. (GNP, anyone?) The keys to
the (Jesuit) future: organization and party policy. I give you a global
corporate world. Corporate bureaucracies public, private, and non-profit.

Niche-obsessed, crippling education. Almost 500 years of it.


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