Re: this from UCLA

reenactionary sounds very similar to reactionary,
reactionary architecture could be a negative, so
tried to write it in other words though the meaning
must have changed, architecturalization (making
architectural) or architecturalizing 'the idea' may be a
way to restate the idea, it was imagined, maybe not.
what is architecturism, or architecturalism? i read of
'ism' as being equated with ideology, somewhere on
the www recently. reenactionary architectural ideology?
it could make a lot of sense, if so, in terms of performance
and critique of this. i guess i do not understand how it is
perceived (is reenacting something a neutral condition,
which could have a range of possible critiques or motives,
or might it exist outside of normal interpretations if it is in
some way re-placing or re-constituting an 'idea' (work,
whatever might be possible to reenact?) -- what is the
student action if it is a reenaction of events here/there?
(is it bilocation, in a sense, though in different states?)
this reminds me of the guantanamo installment by an
artist or installer in the .UK or .IE or somewhere nearby.
also, the other, moving/portable, vietnam memorial wall.

On Wednesday, April 14, 2004, at 01:29 PM, lauf-s wrote:

It seems clear that what the Palestinian students are doing is
Moreover, what are walls if not seminal architecturism?

"architecturalizing reenactment" sounds like a synonym for mnemonics
(especially as outlined by Quintilian--reference Frances A. Yates, THE
ART OF MEMORY, page 3).

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