Re: this from UCLA

It seems clear that what the Palestinian students are doing is
Moreover, what are walls if not seminal architecturism?

"architecturalizing reenactment" sounds like a synonym for mnemonics
(especially as outlined by Quintilian--reference Frances A. Yates, THE ART
OF MEMORY, page 3).

reenact is a kind of re-petition of a prior event,
on demand ( petition ) or not. ( except the 'Bis repetitea placent" at
theatrical or some other public events)

react is a kind of effect following a cause. something coming out (ex) some
(fect) fact .

a fact is something existing per se.

so a reaction is a kind of following queue.
(wings and jets not always included)

we react on this list to many re-enactment, aren't we ?
I repeat sometimes absurd re-re-runned words re-mixed under another
sequence to keep on running after the leading tought ( or the starter...).

phrasing , or formulating sentences , as a re-enactment of words?


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