The Ottofest in Budapest

The Ottofest in Budapest, 15 August 2004, is in honor of
Honorius, Ezeri Mester, and Napoleon.

Honorius, Roman Emperor of the West, husband of the sisters
Maria and Thermantia respectively, son of Theodosius and
Aelia Flavia Flaccilla, died 15 August 423.

St. Stephen, King of Hungary, died 15 August 1038.

Napoleon was born 15 August 1769.

Stephen, who was crowned King circa the winter solstice
1000-1001 by Emperor Otto, told Otto, the great virtual King
of Bavaria, that if he organized a feast, there would then
be a surprise for him.

To ensure no one went hungry in Hungary, Otto called for his
favorite cook, Theodor Hierneis, who was also Ludwig's cook
and subsequently also the Kaiser's.

"Theodor, this is a very special occasion. Everything must
be perfect."

"No worries, Your Majesty, it will be the Ottofest in

"That's it! Along with all the regular guests there will be
just as many guests named Otto. Thus, like a checker-board,
every regular guest will be surrounded by an Otto."

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