Re: building peace (vs. architectural war)

Howard, you need a whistle and a traffic-jacket too.
And should post up definitions of each of the terms
you use, in their explicit definition (which is impossible
as there are more than one definition available, so it
will need to be your definition, even if it is limiting).
Make the list moderated, then, this is simply absurd.
You're the gatekeeper, put up the sign of no trespass,
private property, and the rest. [slogan goes here].
I just don't get how things have become so stupid.
How interactions are so below what is possible.
Someplace else for those things, as you write.
Pathetic, hard to imagine how this happened.

(by the way, don't step on other peoples poetry)

On Wednesday, August 25, 2004, at 02:43 PM, Howard Ray Lawrence wrote:



No problem. Just freely make the explicit connections. Change IS Life.
Thank you.


----- Original Message -----
From: "brian carroll" <human@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 8:49 AM
Subject: Re: building peace (vs. architectural war)

> need a list whistle Howard? :)
> in all this war, which is based in architecture, to
> also acknowledge desires for peace in the ways
> of architecture seems as fair as any commercial
> architecture or pre-valued works readily sent onto
> the list by yourself. so i hope the freedom of ideas
> will be supported by you, as it was in the past, as
> the 'art of architecture' is a wide-open idea, to be
> contested, and even lost by those who can only
> 'win' by disregarding uncomfortable facts-- this is
> how the institutions of architecture operate so well.
> and, true to form, continue to do so until a change.
> that change is now, and i hope you'll be part of it.

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