Re: back from new york

You left out the photos from Hiroshima and Nagasaki...

"Wish You Were Here!"

p> Subject: Re: back from new york
>> sounds like a great road trip! thanks for sharing and for posting this
>> cool picture, "Wish You We're Here"!
p> Some others, years before, went to "the Wall"

I have a rock someone gave from one of those trips...

p> (a few in China, many more in Berlin)

and many more Walls in peoples' heads... or at least according to Jung...

"Wish You Were Here!"

p> others acompanied (in front of a tv set) three guys walking in to the bright
p> side of the moon - not the dark one, unfortunately..

Yes, unfortunately indeed!

p> and well before all those, in a Nevada desert, some atomic scientists
p> configured the heart of the matter, if not their mother's...

This is the most brilliant line I've read all day! Imagine the day in
the future when configuring someone's heart really is only a properties
tab and a few clicks away...

p> P.

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