a co - incidence ?

From: "Ryan Emge"

> Frank Gehry is the world's reigning contemporary architect, ...............Among his most notable cultural projects are: The Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao; The......Minneapolis; and the soon to be built Corcoran Wing.

He has garnered every prestigious award given to architects and artists. Marc Pachter, historian, distinguished interviewer and Director of the National Portrait Gallery engages in dialogue with Mr. Gehry.....

> This lecture is $50 for a ticket
> I am thinking about going, but I am unsure about $50, if it was $25 I'd do it.
if everybody pays 25 instead of 50, you (?) will get only an half of the Corcoran's new wing...

anyways, why even 25 bucks for a lecture if he's certainly paid to give it ?

what are you exactly paying for at similar events ?

the lecturer costs or the wing's improvement and/or maintenance ?

Isn't the Corcoran already quite completely subsidized by the taxpayers you are in the Usa ?

anyways the paid promotion of his old and future work he will do at the Corcoran's lecture is probably just a co-incidence, isn't , Lauf ?


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