old revolutionaries

patachon wrote:

"old revolutionaries would be called terrorist, now, as would french
revolutionaires or bostonian tea drinkers..."

you're absolutely right; that's why i used 'terrorism' in quotes. in
fact, i recently saw an interesting documentary on the 'truth and
reconciliation' process in free south africa that addresses the issue.
remember how black liberation forces (aka 'terrorists') planted bombs in
cafes where south african army members gathered? the nightly (white)
news always represented them as 'terrorists'. likewise in israel.

as for 'designed societies': chomsky's work in linguistics sort of blows
that myth away. all societies are equally 'designed', just as all
languages are basically the same (functionally, at least). but it's
remarkable how each society thinks it is somehow superior to the others.
heidegger wrote: "when the french begin to think, they will do it in
german." what nonsense.

i had an argument in a sauna today with two bush supporters. they put
forth the standard, uninformed argument for the iraq war: "if we don't
kill them first, they'll come and kill us." for the ignorant, that's the
central issue in the election. i suggested the reverse: "if we (the
third world) don't kill them, they (the americans) will come and kill
us." in fact, that's the more historically accurate scenario.

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