Re: a terrifying , badly designed show

----- Original Message -----
From: lauf-s
Subject: Re: a terrifying , badly designed show

He was barely conscious, but he still understood I had just gotten by mother's car fixed. "Battery" was the last word my father Otto ever said to me 23 September 1997. For the next 30 hours he could hardly breath, and I couldn't bear to watch. Finally, his lungs filled up with fluid, my mother saw him puke, and then he died 10:10 pm 24 September 1997.

So, an unhappy death day today ?

I suppose it would be better if everyone could die in peace at home.

or "in his own way", any kind of... (no accident, no threat, no external cause...)

a coincidence, ?, Lauf, if i was born this same day?


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