Heidegger-Dasein and Nazism

Dear fellow philosophers:
I am not a subscriber to this list, neith have I any desire to
be, for Heidegger and the love for him at my University has been my bane.
Call me in the throes of immediacy, but so be it.

I am 37 years old and have only just recieved my BA in Philosophy
>from a school that I was told that I would attend or none at all. Read
this as my being a vocational rehabilitation student. I am psychologically
disabled and yet I thought Philosophy, and the love of learning for
the sake of learning would be my redemption, it wasn't. Temporal
thrown-ness and zu-handen have left me a quivering mess. You see I
suffer from OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) which is mitigated by
A-ADD (Adult-Attention Deficit Disorder) and both interfered/disrupted
my ability to get past Heidegger and his complicity with Nazism.

Sue me for being a pig-headed, stubborn fool, but hey, each
Dasein has to forge its own path, right? I mean my being in the world
isn't your being in the world, nor could it be vice versa, right?
So my question is this: Given everything that Dasein stands for,
it attempts to be the authentic being in the world of temporality,
how is it that the man who coined this philosophy is somehow miraculously
distanced from it at the same time? I mean how dare any of us say that
Heidegger the man was radically different from Heidegger the philosopher,
for if we make such an assertion aren't we just denying everything that
_Being and Time_ was written for? I mean Heidegger is giving the world
his theory on BEING for crying out loud, its fallible, but to say that
the author's being has no impact upon the tone of Being in the book is
preposterous, was Heidegger like Moses in that he transcribed what God
was dictating? If so, is Heidegger's anti-semitism justified if we
compare him with the primary prophet of Judaism? No, Heidegger should
be seen as the fraud that he is/was, we shouldn't burn his books (as
he most likely did to other books himself) neither should we cast him
out, much like the J.P.Sartre has been in the modernist world. Rather
a caveat and alternative should be provided students in the curiculum,
don't you agree? We should castigate Heidegger the man AS Heidegger the
philosopher because both are one in the same, therefore, tear down your
pedestles upon which Martin has rested all these years and see him the
in-authentic messenger of being that he truly is.
Heidegger is not like Thales so much as he is like the Sophists,s
Heidegger isn't the Socrates of the 20th Century, if anything he is
more like Strepsiades (from the Clouds by Aristophanes) in that Heidegger
looks up to Socrates in the clouds only wishing to be there himself.
Heidegger was a fraud, a sophist and a philanderer, 'nuff said.

You can reply directly to me at the following e-mail address as
that is the ONLY way that I will be able to understand the replies to
my one and probably only post to this discussion.

Rommel John Miller BA, Philosophy, 12/95, Salisbury State University
Phi Sigma Tau inductee, but resigned when I
learned about Heidegger and his place in
contemporary philosophy.

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  • Re: The question of Guilt revisited.
    • From: Nicklas Lundblad
  • Partial thread listing: