Being, the Id and the Real

Hello to one and all,

Being, the Id and the Real? You may well be asking what the hell I am on about
when I throw all these together into the same sentence and ask implicitly (for
those who see it): "Look at the connection(s)!".
I should really have in the subject a question mark. Unfortunately there is
no question mark that stands so tall and dark; that towers so dizzyingly over
my wretched head as I throw my glance towards this possibility. Sometimes the
possibility seems so real and then, at the turn of a corner, doubt sets in; a
feeling that somewhere I have so far missed the target that I feel a total fool
to have thought such things.
When I hear Lacan talk of the only true signified being the Unconscious,
Desire, and how we are cut off from this *that* so that all or efforts to
signify this petit l'autre, this signified, are most often futile - then I
can't help but think of Heidegger's saying of Being.
BUT, then I think of Being and somewhere along the lines the previous thought
seems*stupid*: that I have been duped, I have fallen foul of *the
appearance*. - But then: HAVE I.

But then there is -the Real-; and Lacan's theory of the subconcious as
language; and...and...and...and...I know that I am confused: but am I getting
things confused before being confused myself (or is that the other way round?).
I must confess to being fairly badly acquainted with Lacan (does it show?) bu

Well I'm just being chicked out now so I've got to go ant comments, help,
suggestions, discussion et c: please enjoin!!

Ciao for now,



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