Art & Metaphysic

Paul Murphy,

"If the primordial is chaos, i.e., the
"yawning or gaping open giving rise to that which emerges differentially --
"i.e, as differential manifestation, concealed/unconcealed or
"sheltered/disclosed, an emergence whose contours are essentially defined
"through conflict (Polemos is the father of all...) -- then the charges of
"metaphor and myth needs some futher elaboration and substantiation.

Doesn't this precisely illustrate the point? the image
is the womb, mother Ge, the chthonic. Aren't we in aggreement
then that H's is a myth-logos?

"For Heid., the most erroneous 'myth' of metaphysics is that the rational ego
"irrefragably grounds itself on universal principles of logic, securing its
"dominion over beings as a whole.

For what? 3 million yrs, until Thales this was not the case;
and tradition accords the prestige of "liberatory enlightenment"
to the tiny fraction of human existence since. It's hard not to see
the inversion of this judgement as sectarian, reactionary, perverse....

"...perduring, over and beyond given historical configurations and factical
"political structures, beyond the tidal ebb and flow of the sea and beyond
"the fixities and obsessions of love (cue Levinas...). The poet then is
"the unacknowledged legislator, the forger of the uncreated conscience,
"precisely in having glimpsed-in-advance or in having been claimed by
"the yawning origin.

And this, the Ideal is the really real, is a cardinal Romantic
thesis, no?

"Make sense?"

I appreciate your response...and very much, your explications,
... Still struggling(spare time) with the texts, and, but for Sartre, have none
of the major epigoni...and to this point, partial successes aside, the butter
doesn't clarify. Neither am I a sectary...and H's extreme'r pretensions
so traduce and belittle my personal hard won moiety of comprehension,
it is not without effort I keep in sweet temper.

--- from list heidegger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---

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