Re: The Q of V


I'm not an academe (or institutionalized, as I like to say). I very much
appreciate your comments. I'll be pondering them.


Tom B.

On 10 Aug 1996, robert scheetz wrote:

> Tom Blancato & Paul Murphy,
> 1. My operating assumption, conceptualizing this list, is
> that most of y'all are, or to be, teachers. My posts
> are honest questionings of a student, perforce naive;
> why ought an honest "doctor" find them exceptionable?
> 2. We recently had a seeming concensus disquisition on the
> virtue for thinking of pre-grammatical, pre-logical,
> kindergarten-blocks type, linguistic constructs
> of heroic prolixity. P'raps y'all, in your turn,
> might discover a little sympathy for how this could
> tend, even for the most pious Wagner, to apoplexy.
> 3. Finally, and most important, having had the experience of
> stiff doses (yes, plural,...indeed) of ghetto
> theology, I'm unpleasantly aware of how an hermetic system of
> discourse works: how it precludes thinking by imperiously
> re-casting and thereby emasculating or diffusing all exogenous
> inquiry into idiosyncratic (i.e. w/o reference to the communal/
> historical set) forms. And, have acquired a firm will against being
> bullied, even at the risk of ostracism from list of Being....
> At first blush Tom's "q of v" struck me as melodramatic too; but
> as I stewed on it, and warmed to it, while the discussion's got
> ever more attenuated and exotic, it's got for me ever more
> concrete and exigent...all the way from my own community's "lords
> of the flies" to Oedipus-Laius, to Auschwitz/
> Ted Kaszinsky. Heidegger is able to think thru a picture of
> peasant's shoes, or a poem on memory, to the substance of authentic
> being, the clearing along the path in the woods; but, seems
> wilfully insouciant to the circumambient dark. My intention was
> to prick the discussion back to looking thru what lay so massively
> in front of it, as Tom's Desert Storm invocation had kicked it off.
> Bottom line, I very much appreciate especially Tom's wrestling for a hold
> on this slimey devil (along with his generous disposition)...for provoking
> the plodding dull grey mass for a time.
> --- from list heidegger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---


"I'll take my coffee without sugar produced in slave labor camps, third
world plantations and by prison chain gangs, thank you."

--- from list heidegger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---

The Q of V, robert scheetz
Partial thread listing: