Re: I need an Example of Phenomenology???

>From: GEVANS613@xxxxxxx
>To: heidegger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: I need an Example of Phenomenology???
>Date: Thu, Jul 15, 2004, 3:42 pm

> In a message dated 15/07/2004 03:22:26 GMT Standard Time, [email protected]_
> (mailto:janstr@xxxxxxx) writes: Hi Shannon,
> Yeh, what is phenomenology? Phenomenology is a way of life — a poisonous
> doctrine of despair which has seeped like an effluent overflow into the
> of the human brain. It is a way of interfacing with objects in which
> considerations of objective reality are not taken into account, and
> correct and valid reasoning and common-sense are redacted and put on "hold."
> Following the oxymoronic "clever fool" Husserl, objects are viewed through
> bathetic medium of an ontological Ouija board. Rather than sensibly
> contemplating a contextual entity — the object is examined shorn of its
actual and
> background reality as an entitic holism with a historical origin, rootage and
> source. Juxtapositional relationships are ignored together with the other
> entities and circumstances with which it has been and is associated in its
> existential modes. Heidegger filched the idea and plugged it into the rectal
> of his "Dasein" the twittering Tweedle De of dumb Transcendentalism. All in
> all the phenomenological approach represents the verdigris-covered baton of
> philosophical juvenilia handed over by a worn-out western religion, as a
> competitor in a relay race based upon man's rush to reach the winning-post
> of nescience.
> Survey just about any crime, outrage, murder, massacre, holocaust, atrocity,
> inhumanity and they can all be laid at the door of this obscene and
> pernicious doctrine and "way of life" in which the circumstances of verifiable
> realness and objectivity are not admitted in any consideration of the truth or
> validity of something, but rather they are bracketed out, not considered,
> ignored. What is phenomenology? It's a modern medievalism — an obscene
outrage to
> human sensibility and intellectuality!
> Cheers,

OK, rant away, but where is the example the man asked for?


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