Notebooks. Request.

Notebooks: These are available on these ListServ lists.
Read "How to Use the Listserv Database Function" by Jean
Veronis <Veronis@Vassar>. It was originally published as
Humanist 4.844, Thursday, 20 Dec 1990. It was edited by
Willard McCarty <McCarty@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> for distri-
bution to Arachnet.

Request: Students are requested to post their curriculum-vitaes on
STUXCH-L@PSUVM. In the Subject line, note the following:
"C-V: <Firstname Lastname>" without qoutes.

Faculty are asked to do the same (as students) for their

Please try to complete a brief form c-v by the next 30 days.
A maximum of one page would be desirable to limit the bulk
of the notebooks.

Please! Students and faculty should subcribe to the appropriate
ListServ lists.

Partial thread listing: