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Subject: Re: Bruce Goff

>I'm doing some work right now on Bruce Goff. I'm making a documentary that I
>plan to build using interactivity tools on the Macintosh, working with scanned
>images and captured video.

>Is anyone out there working on other Goff stuff right now? Anyone still
>interested in his work?
|Yes! Bruce Goff was one of the most gentel human beings
I have ever known. He had a powerful design talent. It seemed to have been
developed through an apprenticeship system rather than an academic one. He
started his apprenticehip at around the age of 12 years. At 21 years he was
doing his first major building.

I got one of my students a job with Bruce Goff. I, also, got the same student
a job with Kendrick Bangs Kellogg, architect, San Diego. Eventually, academia
"weaned" this student away from "greatness". The student really had the heart
to be a great architect. He now works for Robert Venturi. [Sigh! We all have
choices in life.]

Jan Molema, architect-educator, TU/Delft, is currently working on a book,
BRUCE GOFF TERRIFIC! You might like to contact him. Please mention my
name, since he is a friend of mine.

Howard, ListOwner

>Please either post a reply or e-mail me. Thanks.
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