Re: Can this profession be saved?

Responding to message from John Young

While the comments by John Young seem to argue against one narrow
perspective of the profession of architecture by implying that the
profession should pursue another which is probably similarly limited in its
scope, I would prefer to address the broader issue of responsibility.

What does professional responsibility mean? Does it merely refer to
issues of law and finance? Does it only refer to creativity and
innovation? Perhaps it appropriately refers to both of these and much

I would also suggest, while not wishing to imply that this should be the
primary concern of the architect in a small practice, that John Young's
comment that "most architects outside large firms only occasionally fret
about legal and financial matters" is probably not accurate. From my
experience having spent a few years as a principal in a small practice,
finances were always a critical issue. Designing within the budget was one
issue, but so was operating the firm within the resources available. As a
principal in a firm, payday is often not an easy day!
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