Seaside stuff

David Sucher writes:

>Does this mean that your complaint simply that they didn't provide enough
>off-street parking???!!!!!

Jeesh, I don't know if this commentary even deserves a response. It seems
you are intent upon looking at the situation a particular way and will not,
perhaps cannot, allow for a differing of opinion. Did you actually read my
post, or are you replying in a knee-jerk reaction because it (my
statements), opose your own?

>If so, what's all the hullabaloo about? (not necessarily from you, Wayne.)

David, the hullabaloo is about the difference between the intent of the
project and the actuality of it. The difference between the two seem miles
apart. If the intent of the project misses its actuality, then based upon
that criteria it isn't a success. Here, outside the privey of the real
information, it seems these goals have not been met. Seaside has what
I refered to in aprevious post, and what Michael Kaplan aptly corrected me
on, is that David Burne concept of "Special-ness." The quality that it
pretends it is what it isn't, and replicates neither sucessfully, be it the
final form or the intent. Seaside is not a neo-traditional town/township, it
only pretends to be. It has the illusion it is. Perhaps it was illusion
D+PZ were after.
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