Re: WAS: Dumping on Haha, Now: Architect's Real Work

> On Wed, 8 Feb 1995, Mark Darrall wrote:
> > Steve,
> > FOUL! Implying David is sheerly lazy just because he chooses not to question
> > culture through architecture is a cheap, low blow, not to mention an afront
> > to those who would prefer to help grow a culture rather than tear one down.

Mark, language works harder than we think. This is a cultural condition,
not specific to David. What i find even more deficient is your
symptomatic attempt to compound this cultural vacuity. Further, i made it
clear that we are outside any realm of choosing to question or not. That
is also already too late. To accuse me of cheap shotting when i am, in
fact, merely attemting to evoke antihumanist thought from Neitzsche to
Deleuze may be a function of your liberal myopics. I hope you pursue this
enough to see that I am not looking to take anyone down, but take them IN.

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