Re: WAS: Dumping on Haha, Now: Architect's Real Work

Thanks for the advice; I'm usually buckled in with five point quick release
harness, and wearing the latest Simpson Nomex/Kevlar flame retardant suit.

My response was prompted by Stephen's negative attitude toward David (or his
position) in implying laziness on the part of those who do not share Stephen's
intellectual bent. I've seen this negative attitude here at school, and it
disturbs me. One prof is labled by another as being "anti-intellectual" because
he does not subscribe to the same decon/lit.crit./existentialist approach. The
students pick up on such attitudes and make them their own and soon divide into
camps, so much for mutual support and collegiate spirit!

When it comes to your botanical analogy, I must ask: Who's the gardener? Who
yields the pruning shears and herbacide?

Partial thread listing: