Re: WAS: Dumping on Haha, Now: Architect's Real Work

Re your comments on the obscurity of the explanations of decon:

It's always seemed to me that there is a paradoxical nature to this beast in
that it must be difficult to understand something that purports to explain a
particular attitude/stance when that attitude dictates that the very meaning
of the text used to explain it is subjective? Doesn't it become automatically

Holy blatherings, Batman; I just reread what I typed.

Nope, I guess there IS no way to make this less complicated. :)

Your comments are true, though:

Writing is difficult, and many people don't think clearly. And who could
blame us, when our culture no longer values excellent writing or clear
thinking? All dulled and numbed by worshiping at the 27" Trinitron altar,
I say. Don't get me wrong; I watch more than my fair share of Beavis and
Butthead (and when a little puke, Gilligan's Island), but I also try to
read at least as much.

I shudder to think of the millions of households where the only thing
resembling a book is _TV Guide_.

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