Re: originary difficulty

A simple suggestion. Since there seems to be on this list multiple readings/
misreadings of various strains of contemporary thought. Why don't we approach
the issue from a traditional formal perspective for starters(ie., select a
single book for group reading/ read one chapter at a time/ discuss the
alternative interpretations/ introduce personal and external referents/
and move on to the next. Granted this sequential methodology probably won't
appeal to the most POMO among you, but at least we'll have some common
ground under our feet.

So - From one who is a great admirer of Derrida, and who does not think of
him as Post-Modern, I suggest either _Truth in Painting_ or the
Bennington/Derrida duet - Deridabase/Circumfession. In either case, I think
that it would be important for us to maintain a "design" interpretation,
seeking to reflect on the meaning of these readings regarding architicture,
fashion, graphics, product design, etc.

What do you say?

- ray
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