Re: Papal Fedex Coda

dn obviously hasn't learned what all us lapsed catholics have(13 years of
schoolin'! Still feel guity about wanking, even after the S.G. gave us the
thumbs up); that there are _degrees_ of holiness and sanctification. Those
children will experience the glory of comfort _after_ a humiliating and
painful temporal existence. Suffer the children (ask the altarboys about
this), after all, not the arbiters of largest privately held land ownings in
the history of humankind. Maybe if they are really lucky (and african
american), they can grow up and move to Georgia, where they will be banned
from stores, or to LA, where they will be shot in the back by white men with
unregistered concealed weapons (who are then only charged with a
misdemeanor). This can ony hasten their other-wordly rewards

blood of christ
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