1.6 what?

I can only take Rose's obseqiousness for short periods of time.

My fave two Vinoly anecdotes (from different sources):
1. He once fired an employee for a sloppy desk (who hasn't?)
2. Once fired his entire office (I assume this means the pathetic underpaid
overeducated archie's, not the slick fellas do the natsy over mega million
jobs), annoucing they were all incompetent.

Saw de Menil mutter and meander Thurs over the musea in Houston. Is he
always a bad public speaker, or simply tired of representing the only
notable work (not that suprafancy manhattan interiors aren't significant,
yea, yea) he has completed to date? Betcha he's pissed all those years of
buying artwork has snagged him more of those lofty reno jobs (JYA can share
with us how rewarding such endeavors are)

licking his chops

nic musolino
Partial thread listing: