
Hi all,

if you haven't visited Serious Fun in Architecture,
here is their latest update of the list of architectural
websites. I you are interested in scandinavian design
you are welcome to visit

Igor Cronsioe


Archihub Newsletter - December 15, 1997

_______Live Architects

"Emerging Architects - This week LIVE Tuesday December 16 at 1pm - =
Conversations with Emerging Architects - will be John Petraca and =
Robin Guenther of Architecture + Furniture from New York City =
presenting their latest work... ...Excellence in Design - Live this =
Week December 17 at 6pm EST meet Stanley Saitowitz presenting his =
design for "Oakland Residence" recently published in Interior Design =

_______S=F3la Architectura

We welcome S=F3la Architectura in the Spanish section. They describe =
themselves as: "La mejor direcci=F3n en Espa=F1ol para los amantes de =
la Arquitectura. Cientos de links de inter=E9s arquitect=F3nico, =
software, noticias del mundo de la Arquitectura, correo de los =
usuarios, normas y legislaci=F3n on-line."

_______Mark Freeman Associates

The American firmMark Freeman Associates, Kingsport Tennessee, are =
online with a rather nice site.

_______Architecture in Puerto Rico

If you are curious about architecture in Puerto Rico, you might be =
interested in the following message: "With these electronic pages in =
Internet, the Architecture and Construction Archives at the =
University of Puerto Rico (AACUPR) opens a new chapter in their =
objective of promoting Puerto Rico's architectural heritage. It is a =
matter of great satisfaction for all of us at AACUPR to share our =
collections and activities with you."


Anthony J. Lumsden & Associates, (AJLA), with both American and =
Korean offices are online.


Archicenter, from down under, describe themselves as: "Archicentre is =
the Royal Australian Institute of Architects shop-front to the =
public, allowing the public to easily utilise an architect's =
services." Go see for yourself.

_______Science City Project

There's a Science City Project out there that needs your attention. =
Matt Wilson says: "I am working full time on a virtual city project =
concerned exclusively with science, engineering and technology. The =
site is non profit and uses the city metaphor to show current =
developments and stories, all tied to an "area" of the city, =
currently represented by an illustrative diagram... there =
anyone out there who would be interesting in contributing a =
"building" (design) to this project? Full credit would be given."

_______FAT Crash Experience

The FAT boys have set up a "Millenium Experience", which might turn =
out to be a "crash-experience" that makes your computer crash, and =
yes, we've tried it. Fun? Well, maybe for the creators... If you want =
to try it yourself, here's the url:


If you're a fan of all that Alessi stuff, you will find a lot of it, =
along with information about their best known designers here:

_______Design Leadership

We've heard that The University of Art and Design in Helsinki =
announces its new intake for the multidisciplinary and international =
MA programme called"Design Leadership".

_______Exhibition at NAI

On December 18 an exhibition called "Mastering the City - 100 years =
of urban
planning in Europe" will start, hosted by NAI in Rotterdam. For the =
occasion they have opened a site with "...documentation on 8 (!) =
urban plans, an impression of the exhibition design by Viennese =
architect Boris Podrecca and more." The exhibition ends on April 5, =

_______Totem live broadcast

Totem are now broadcasting live conferences. The last one, December =
10, was described as "consisting of interviews in RealAudio with =
architects Sir Denys Lasdun and David Chipperfield with accompanying =
transcripts, biographical notes, a few pictures: all available in =
English and Italian versions."

_______Faux and Decorative Painting

Since it's all just electronic impulses in the brain, why not have a =
look at the art of Faux and Decorative Painting, and find out how to =
create illusions in paint? Sandra Kiss in London has created a site =
dedicated to this art.

_______Venice Conference

There is still room for participants in the session "European =
networks and their reflection in architecture and urban planning" at =
the conference "Cities in Europe Places and Institutions" in Venice =
September 3-5 1998.

Carola Hein
Kogakuin University
Department of Architecture
Address: Izumi 2-10-17-10
Suginami-Ku, Tokyo 168
Phone and Fax.: +81 33325 3996,

_______Space Fabric

Are you looking for some extraordinary fabric for your space pilot =
interior design? Ever used vectran air-bags? Anyhow, you might find =
some interesting information along these lines at the. They claim =
that: "The Industrial Fabrics Association International is a =
not-for-profit trade association whose member companies represent all =
aspects of the international industrial and technical fabrics and =
textiles marketplace... Member companies supply and manufacture =
products for the iverse range of industrial/technical fabric market =
segments, including architectural structures..."
Forward, with warp speed 5.

_______Svensk Form

The Swedish design association Svensk Form are now online. They do =
have English summaries for those of you who are not yet fluent in =

_______Environmental forum

Towards Greener Pastures says that they seek to "begin a forum on =
future city design where cities will be constructed to enhance =
efficiency and provide for environmental protection". You are invited =
to visit their Circle City Project and submit your comments on their =


If you ever wondered where gothic was born, arch. Michele Palamara =
will point you towards a certain Mediterranean island... There are =
also quite a few tasty watercolours around his neighbourhood.

_______New York City Skyscrapers

A little something for all you skyscraper fans out there: the "New =
York City Skyscrapers"web site is complete with info, location maps =
and images of over 100 NYC high-rises from the late 19th century to =
date. There is also other high-rise related material and links.

_______Urbanisation Workshop

URBANISATION OBSERVED, is the name of a workshop in Berlin, 12-14 =
February 1998, on European research in the South. The workshop is =
being organised by TRIALOG and the HABITAT UNIT, Department of =
Architecture, Technical University of Berlin, and guests are welcome.

Klaus Teschner
Habitat Unit
TU Berlin,
FB 8, Sekr. A 53, Strasse des 17.Juni 135
D 10623 Berlin

phone: 030 31421905/6
fax: +30 31421907,


We would also like to welcome ARCAM - Amsterdam Centre for =
Architecture, which "coordinates public activities in the fields of =
architecture, town planning, landscape architecture and design in =
Amsterdam and the surrounding area"

_______Hospital Technology Conference

Malcolm Sperrin lets us know that another conference on technology as =
applied to hospitals and architecture is being planned for early =
April in London, UK.


/Hans Andersson & Erland Flygt

Archihub-Serious fun in archihtecture


Igor Cronsioe architect/designer SIR
Living Design Development Sweden AB
Partial thread listing: