Re: City Comforts

Wayde wrote:

>It would be worth it going out there to see the Cinerama Festival of Classics.

Unfortunately, none of them were filmed in Cinerama.

What's neat, of course, is the revival of the large, comfy theater with
a BIG screen and BIG sound.

Speaking of wide-screen epics, I saw "A Bug's Life" *twice* this weekend
-- once on DVD, and then on the wide-screen. I found the animation
strangely uneven, as if it were done using a variety of software
programs. It didn't have the seamless, hand-made quality of Walt's early
work, undoubtedly produced by an army of slave-animators.
It looked to me like each specie had its own design team, i.e. the
Grasshopper team, the Ant team, the Blades of Grass team, etc. Most
wonderful were the Twins, a subtle reference to those jokers in
Kubrick's "The Killer's Kiss."
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