The Moola Tunnel

One connection of the old railroad tunnel was between the Federal
Reserve Bank and WTC. News reports a few weeks after the attack
reported removal of many truckloads of bullion and cash from the
basement of WTC, all under stupendous security arrangements.
Where the booty was moved to was not reported.

A possible branch of the subterranean system was from the FRB to
the venerable and historic Subtreasury Building at Wall Street across
from the Stock Exchange and JP Morgan. And there are reportgedly
more to other financial institutions in the heart of the World Capital
Markets Beast.

There is a labyrinth of semi-secret tunnels below downtown which
gradually developed within the center of US capitalism for exchange of
hard cash, bullion and other financial instruments, whose origin
preceded the founding of the USA. Those tunnels also provided
escape routes for titans when anarchists rioted -- and still do.

A long time ago neighbor worked in the basement of the Subtreasury
Building and chuckled at the piles of gold bricks he passed to and
from his dank back-office of accountancy -- he was a highly trained
mathematician who could not get academic work due to his
virulent anti-authoritarian politics. So he worked for peanuts in the
guts of the monster he loathed. There were allegations of other
neighbors that the genius was slowly pilfering chunks of bullion
and depositing them in the 12 feet of shit on the bottom of the Hudson
just off shore our squat. Whether to fund a revolution or gild his
family's penurious future after he blew up the triad of JP Morgan,
Subtreasury and the Stock Exchange from linking tunnels of
villany against the all too trusting above ground American

Could be the math genius is a VP at Morgan by now, as so many
youthful ideologues swap defiant convictions for fleecing their
Partial thread listing: