hazmat in transit

from JYA's cryptome.org website:


Research and Special Programs Administration

[RSPA-2002-11270, Notice No. 02-4]

Advisory Notice; Enhancing the Security of Hazardous Materials in

AGENCY: Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA), DOT.

ACTION: Advisory notice.

[there are many ironies in the deadwood and tumbleweeds
blowing around these vacated lands and township industries.
yet, another coincidence being that the recent Yucca Mountain
nuke-waste depository is on the west coast (arizona) and most
of the 350 or so (450?) nuclear plants in the USA are on the
_west_coast, meaning that the rail and highway systems are
how the waste will be transferred, traffic jams and derailments
not withstanding. thus, there is a context for such a government
study or advisory notice, and it is not hard to imagine that the
security of such (may it be said, inane in many ways) planning
will backfire as security becomes the traffic jam, and as more
and more security at high-profile events showcase how little is
learned from terrorizing people, ordinaray people not at the big
events. instead, the security in its overt placation of aggressive
unearthing of bad-ones, leaves a wide-open gaping-hole into the
everyday terrors, those roads and lack of mass transit systems
which leave people to fend for themselves, against themselves,
as the security clampdown of the homeland continues on and on.
maybe if some New Urbanists hopped on the terrorism bandwagon
there would be some 'smart growth' planning so that nuclear and
dirty-bomb by default waste travels through bedroom communities,
to make the case, by the economic politicale, that it's Bad Design.
plus, the US President okay'd the Yucca Mountain site today, and
if security of the homeland is the issue, it is secondary to bluff,
and to short-term solutions with unfettered business as usual,
which is truly terrorizing in terms of homeland defense of the
ordinary citizens, in turn causing terrors on the homeland that
are constructed by a lack of ethical and courageous leadership
to bring the public (and private) society in a better direction.]
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