Re: Heidegger's use of the word "polis"

"no clearing of Being can exhaustively manifest the Being of a being
(that was the false step underlying the metaphysicians ambition, to
ground for example a being securely and completely in its Being, a
being can never fully show up in its Being (Being) isnt)...Metaphysics
represents itself as having succeeded in getting it right about
I found this illuminating and also at points of its intense formulations
puzzling, and would be grateful for any clarifications (eg which text
does Heidegger define metaphysics in these terms in?). If the being
here is an entity (or the concept of an entity) such as "man" or
"literature" or "philosophy", and the Being that metaphysics imagines
itself able to manifest is is something like the essence of the same,
does this imply that each such entity in its ontic and potentially
empirical existence retains a power to exceed any possible
determination of its essence: and does this power relate to its
undefineable Being as being free to alter? or as being by definition
unable to be known certainly within the realm of predication and
appearance? or as being by defintion indeterminate? ie why does
Heidegger refuse the possibility of a complete manisfestation
of the entity - does this bear on the quality of the entity
as exceeding determinations or on the quality of the medium
of determination as falling short of entities - or the complications
of some third party?
mark hewson

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