Re: Heidegger and death

xxxxxxxxxAt 04:04 AM 11/29/95 +0100, Daniel Kern wrote:
>" Death. Death is what touches mortals in their nature, and so sets them
>on their way to the other side of life, and so into the whole of the pure
>draft. Death thus gathers into the whole of what is already posited, into
>the 'postium' of the whole draft. As this gathering of the positing, death
>is the laying-down, the Law, just as the mountain chain is the gathering of
>the mountains into the whole of its chain. " ("What are poets for?")
>death : m o[r]t jus te (jab=E8s?)
>the (br)other side :
> m or(t) als -- di vin i ties
> p
>the cadaver, a jug of red wine, gushes a/way...
>" As the shrine of Being, death is the shelter of Being.... Mortals are
>who they are, as mortals, present in the shelter of Being. They are the
>presencing relation to Being as Being. " ("The Thing")
>i/mage <of> death : (blanchot)
> wanderring . . .
> out/side of the event
>" In death the supreme concealedness of Being crystallizes.
>Death has already overtaken every dying. " ("Language")
>yet cryst al shat ters,
> frag tures too
> --- from list heidegger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---

"It is only after one ceases to reduce public affairs to the business of
dominion that the original data in the realm of human affairs will appear,
or, rather, reappear, in their authentic diversity." (Hannah Arendt)

"Dominion"... as concerns title or "lawful claim" by which language
inscribes its foundation as Supreme Authority... "Lawfull Language" is a
grammatically governed territory ruled by a syntactical heirarchy in which
its position as "First Order of Law " is enshrined as the default setting of
all (logical) SIGNifying...

As the instrument for constructing (logical) sense, "Lawfull Language",
defacto, confines "knowledge" to a limited area defined by the borderless
horrizon of a virtual infinity. The blinding light of its Self Evident Day
obfuscates a re gion (i)ng w h er(r) e...
m ort al it y X s
crypt s=09
ac l ear it y in darkness... a s... light n (i)ng f l ash
com e
m e
un =20
i ca =20
t (i) on... s...
ge stel l eng age : dis en ga ge (is) t rans l a t (i) on...

a u re y
r wn
philo s/crypt (i) ng s u je t h o ugh t wo
d ea(r) th ink (i)ng...
eign (is)
ad v ent ure
r upt
let t
gath err (i) n g o pen (i) ng

" The more venturesome are the poets, but poets whose song turns our
protected being into the Open"
("What Are Poets For?")

"He who wants to change the world translates it" - ( Henri Michaux)

--- from list heidegger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---

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