Lets twist again

Paul Murphy on Kluback & Wilde's translation of 'The Question of Being':

>they translate "Verwindung" as "restoration", precisely what
>Heid. does not intend ('twisting free' is my preferred version; any other

I have little or no German but I wonder if Verwindung might be rendered as
'unravel' which could have resonances of both twist-free and restoration
(as bringing something into its truth). I presume the Murphy preference of
'twist-free' arises from sentences like: "Die Verwindung der Metaphysik ist
Verwindung der Seinsvergessenheit. Die Verwindung wendet sich dem Wesen der
Metaphysik zu." K&W translate this so:

"The restoration of metaphysics is the restoration of the oblivion of
Being. This restoration turns towards the essence of metaphysics." (p91)

Is Heidegger perhaps using the term 'Verwindung' in its closeness but
difference to 'Uberwindung' employed shortly after the quoted passage?
Heidegger often employs the technique of paranomasia to get us thinking.
Later in the text he re-minds us:

"... thinking, in order to refer to the
restoration/twisting-free/unravelling of metaphysics, must first clarify
the essence of metaphysics. To such an attempt the
restoration/twisting-free/unraveling of metaphysics seems at first to be an
overcoming (Uber-wingdung), a conquest..." (p91)

Could we see in this the paranomasic putting side-by-side of the terms Ver-
and Uber-windung to better (poetically?) make the point of the difference
between the Ver- and the Uber- with respect to the -windung? The difference
between overcoming/conquest and restoration/un-twisting with a mere pre
fix? A little later in the text (p91) Heidegger uses the term
'Restauration' (translated as restoration by K&W) almost in the sense of
'mere restoration' (the conventional sense) as a passive acceptance of the
hand-me-downs of the tradition (of metaphysics); here Heidegger brings to
stand restoration be-sides interpretation (a more 'will-ful'
bringing-into-its-own than mere restoration) for an other dis-play of
fundamental difference. Further on still, he once again places Verwindung
be-sides Uberwindung in: "Such overcoming (of nihilism) however, takes
place in the area of the restoration/twisting-free/unraveling of
metaphysics." (p93) Heidegger twists and turns with his -windung words and
calls us to wind a long the paths of thinking with him, to un-wind, to
re-wind and de-wind, to turn with the wind, to sail, to flow with the go.

Over-turning and re-turning, over-coming and be-coming.

Heidegger guides us along the long and winding roads that lead to our door.

No wind up: shake it up baby now (let us) twist and shout.


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