Umgekehrt & Seinsfrage

Regarding Iain Thomson's post concerning the turning:

'Umgekehrt' is a common German locution meaning just 'on the contrary' or
'inversely' (or 'vice versa', depending on the context). I think it's too
much of a stretch to read the thematics of 'die Kehre' into BT on the basis
of this word.

About "The Question of Being": the Klubeck/Wilde translation and
introduction (they also rendered "Was ist das -- die Philosophie?" into
English for the same publishers, around the same time) should be approached
with caution. To my knowledge, these are the only Heid. translations to
appear in English between _Existence and Being_ and _Being and Time_, so
the vocabulary is erratic and the scholarship even more so. (I sometimes
read the QB intro for laughs -- "breathes deeply the air of Jacob Boehme"
indeed). Plus they translate "Verwindung" as "restoration", precisely what
Heid. does not intend ('twisting free' is my preferred version; any other

Paul Murphy
"The earth that has grown remote to itself is without
the hope the stars once promised. It is sinking into empty
galaxies. On it lies beauty as the reflection of past hope,
which fills the dying eye until it is frozen below the
flakes of unbounded space"
-T.W. Adorno, _Mahler: a Musical Physiognomy_

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