Re: Truth?!?

Christopher Stewart Morrissey wrote:

> What makes you think you're the teacher and I'm the student? Maybe
> instead of grading my remarks you could simply ask me to expand.

OK, please elaborate. Don't mean to be impolite or presumptious.
Instincts of a harried teaching assistant.

> Okay, so it's no simple relativism. I know what is at issue. But is a
> complex relativism worth anything?

If it is a relativism, albeit a complex one (which I still think is
debatable), the question perhaps should be posed, "is it worth anything"
compared to, say, a dogmatic positivism or some other such ahistorical
foundationalism? What standard determines 'worth' here?
(Sorry for the brevity, my dial-in time is running out...)

Paul Murphy

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  • Re: Truth?!?
    • From: Christopher Stewart Morrissey
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    Re: Truth?!?, Christopher Stewart Morrissey
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