Who and What is Januseus?

Dear Jan, [Januseus]

I intend to answer your questions obliquely in the form of an imagined
Why? Because it amuses me to do so. ;-)

Who and What is Januseus?

Good day Taurorhupos! I see you are uncharacteristically alone?

I had meant to invite Januseus to accompany me here to the agora today but
sadly he is unavailable.
He is prostrated with belly-pain from over-indulgence in grape and grain. He
was an attendee at the Dionyssiac ceremony organised by Achaikos of
Peloponnesus yestreen. According to Militiades the ceremony began in a restrained
and simple manner at the beginning, but little by little became noisy and
orgiastic. The enthusiasts were strolling along the central dromoi holding the
phallus in front of them, accompanied by flute, drums and forminx, eating the
raw fleshes of the animals sacrificed to Dionysos.

Will men ever learn? But what of Januseus? Who and/or what is this

Let's separate the question into two and deal first with: "what Januseus is"
— later [perhaps on the morrow] we will address the question of "who
Januseus is." Januseus is an escaped slave of Philemon who met Onesiphoros whilst in
prison and was set free by him upon his release. The good Onesiphoros sent
Philemon a consignment of fat lambs by way of compensation.

OK - then let's proceed - What exactly is Januseus?

The existing material body of Januseus is a temporary association of bits of
the Da.

Meaning that Januseus is a conglomerate of bits of the Da surrounded by the
rest of the Da?

Well, if we accepted that the THERE [Da] of BEING THERE is the material
world in which the Dasein represented as Januseus abides, then Januseus is
actually constituted of bits of the THERE which he has accumulated by absorption
during his being there in the world as a collection of minute portions of the
Da itself.…

You mean that physically there is no difference between Januseus and the Da
of the world?

There is an obvious difference in the way that the entity Januseus appears
when sensed by other sentient creatures when compared to themselves or other
entities of the Da, and there is also a difference too in the way that the
entity Januseus senses his own experience of being the individuate Januseus.
However, as far as the molecular fabric of Januseus' body is concerned, if it
were rendered down, or decomposed to it constituent elementals both mineral
and chemical, they would be found to be no different from that which comprised
the box in which his dust was contained and the table upon which the casket

>From whence did that which constitutes the pile of dust that once was
Januseus originate?

>From the swirling particulate that constitutes the dust clouds of the
universe - Januseus is a creature of the stars like the rest of us animalia.

How did Januseus accumulate this stardust particulate and convert it into
the corporeal substance that became part of the body of that entity which we
call Januseus?

Apart from those cells which were initially donated by Januseus' parents,
all the material which Januseus has collected from the surrounding Da was
obtained by consuming food and drinks, initially as food and nutriments to be
burnt as fuel to provide energy, but some of it was converted into additional and
replacement cells and became part of the physical structure of Januseus

So Januseus consists of various quantum materials picked up along the way in
the form of food?

Well,...yes...there are also some hard Asian resin fillings in his teeth
which are parts of Da which Januseus' Chalcedonic dentists appropriated and
stuck inside Januseus' mouth — but generally speaking...yes...Januseus is a
collective — a macro-community of particulate made up of that which forms part of
the Da and IS THE DA. In that sense Januseus can be said to be as much part
of Da as anything else in the Da which we call the world.
During the various symposiums for example Januseus always makes a point of
homing in and gorging himself upon the tasty anaklintra. At the beginning we
are served a glass of wine mixed with oinomelo and also bread. After that the
dishes of the menu appear, in the right order: several appetisers and also
fruit. Then fresh fish and meat is the last to be served. Of these materials
Januseus consists — upon their life-giving substances he thrives — he is an
amalgam of the various quantum materials picked up along the way in the form
of food — initially at his mother's breast — but later at the interminable
feasts and ceremonies with which [being attractive and desirable] he fills his
dissolute life?

What about Januseus' excretions?

It goes back to the Da [in a reconstituted form] from whence it came.

When you say: 'Da' what exactly do you mean — to what do you refer?

I refer to the material universe.

But isn't the word Da or There used when we speak of a location — of an
object being HERE in this present location; this place — rather than THERE in
THAT place over THERE - or in a far country or on a far planet?

The molecular quantum materials and miniature forcefields of the universe
are no respecters of manmade locational notions of HERE and THERE. Like the
Lappish aboriginals of the frozen north they cross territorial borders as they
wish - Our earth is constantly bombarded with transient 'foreign' molecules
from outer space, and bathed in a constant cascade of electrons. What formed
part of the Da of the tail of the Comet Ctesippus yesterday is part of our
Earthly Da today and breathed into the chest-bellows which we call our lungs.
All this material change is reflected in the constitution of Januseus' body.

Does Januseus' body remain the same aspect of Da whilst Januseus remains
alive — or does it change?

Physically speaking there is a completely new replacement Januseus every
seven years — the elements that make up his body are gradually dispensed with
and replaced by other elements over that period. Upon his death the tiny
building blocks of that which exists with find their way into new entitic
structures — or they will remain alone as lonely wanderers in the deep reaches of the
far-flung cosmos.

But Januseus appears to me to be the same old Januseus from year to year —
he gets a little bit more wrinkled as time goes by — but essentially he is the
same person — he never forgets my name or the children's birthdays.

Sadly the mechanisms of cellular replication start to deteriorate over time,
Januseus is gradually losing his ability to faithfully reproduce cells with
the material he is ingesting [in spite of the vast amounts of food he
assimilates] to replace the old ones. It is rather like endlessly copying a video
from a copy — the copies start to degrade — the detail is lost — and if
persisted with the copies would eventually bear no resemblance to the original
master copy.

Have I convinced you that Januseus is in fact composed of material, which he
has gathered from the Da of the cosmic environment in which he finds himself?

Yes, I am convinced — we now know WHAT Januseus is — what he is made of —
but WHO is Januseus? And what about TIME - does it exist for Januseus - for you
— for me? And what about CHANGE? If the universal Da is all material how
can physical events take place if there is no SPACE wherein entities can
expand or grow?

One question at a time dear Eutrapelia, the sun has already declined beneath
the roof of yon Philopappos Monument which crowns the Mouseion Hill, and the
raucous evening crowds are already thronging along Street of the Tripods
which leads from the sanctuary of Dionysos around the east and Northeast sides
of the Acropolis. They go to the tripods to pay homage to the choregos, and so
must you and I - if we have any respect left regarding our religious duty and
the rituals of the choregia? We will anoint our feet with this pungent oil
squeezed by Acharnania dwarves from the bodies of tiny yellow cephalopods,
and take up our staffs and join them.


Jud Evans.

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