Re: an embryonic principle of principles?

>>>Kenneth, does not this saying of the (potentially) clarifying break-through
>>>force itself constitute a logos?, and when adhered to, a kind of religion of
>>>Life (the light that breaks through the blackened shrouds of untruth (the
>>>untruth of man not being confounded with animal, but just animal))? Genuine
>>>question. In what way is this doctrine not an other logos, an other
>>>religiosity? And does it not take precisely the shrouded logological being,
>>>man, to bring forth the truth of this untruth, this hiddenness-from-itself?
>>>Does this not raise a fundamental question?
>> Well lets say that the font of any logos is not man, not deer, not flower,
>> not stone but Life, Life-as-force, a unique force among many unique forces
>> yes, but with the difference that this Life force is the only force that
>> has become aware of itself "as" force, the first 'aware' force. it is a
>> small force that has the power to control large forces to achieve something
>> much much higher than all those mere logos-for-blind-power kill the
>> bastards for fun and profit forces which rule the planet today
>so, each of the beings, man, deer, flower, etc, are not the fonts (? please
>explain this term; as a graphic designer I understand this to be the
>more-or-less-equivalent of a type-face, but...) of logos , rather they are
>each exemplars/holders of THE unique logos, which is the "Life Force"; this
>logos has the possibility that it can be-come self-aware; how does this
>awareness creep into the world that is otherwise un-self-aware? (or rather
>neither aware nor unaware since to be unaware is to have awareness as a
>possibility). And what do you mean by "force"? I mean, is it force in the
>same sense that one can speak of Newton's gravity? When you say that this
>Life force is not only unique among the other unique forces but also even
>more unique (different) in that it can be (self-)aware, are you indicating a
>different difference, a fold or cusp in being itself ? (assuming we can
>speak of being in terms of 'forces'). Or this aware-force the only being
>that can bring forth the being of all the other unique forces in the world?
>Or, is the Life force of the flower in my garden aware of its self as Life?

well i meant fount

yes the same force, everything is force, gravity and life included. i guess
i mean that of all the forces life is the only force that can think force
as force proper and not always have to remain a blind force-force - -

something new has arranged itself circumstantially inside the forces
swirling around inside the big bang, something that gives this force the
ability to think itself as itself.

it is presently only a slender thread as far as we can see from here, but
one that over eons has somehow woven this thread of force into a tiny
esoteric arrangement that can finally name (think) itself as itself.

the flower in your garden is life and it is aware of itself as such, for a
flower is life and we are life and we are the 'aware of things' form of
life, we speak, we think, so life thinks and speaks, which includes the
flower, so a flower is not a flower to a flower but only to us, as
flowering Life, thinking


not wearing my cowboy hat today, got my trucker cap on


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Re: an embryonic principle of principles?, michaelP
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